Making your Garage Work for Your Home

Although many of us have a garage, most people don’t use it as well as it could be used. A garage is something that professionals like these Stroud Estate agents know are a major appeal to homebuyers too, so if you are looking to sell your home it is worth making the most of the garage. Garages can often become an area where many items get dumped and often forgotten about, causing clutter to build up over the years. To make the most of the space that you have available in the garage, here are some things that you can do – transforming your garage to a secret dumping ground to your pride and joy, which is a useful and functional part of the home…

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One of the first things that you will probably need to do is have a clear out. Depending on how much stuff you have in there, this could take some time, but allocate days to clearing out to make sure that you get it done. Sort items that are rubbish, and also items that could be used by someone else – you could donate things to charity, or you could have a car boot sale and make some money for yourself. If you have a lot of rubbish to get rid of, it might also be a good idea to hire a skip for the day that you will be clearing out the garage, as this will be an easy way to dispose of rubbish all in one go.

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Once you have the space in your garage, it is time to give it a good clean. Dust and dirt build up quickly, so give the floors a good clean as well as the walls and get it all looking as good as new. You can also spend some time painting the garage, especially if it is looking a little shabby after the cleaning or give it some new flooring if your current garage floor has seen better days. It is also a good idea to replace worn out garage doors, as this may pose a security risk.

Once you have made the alterations to your garage, it is time to get your storage sorted, so that you can actually make the most of it. From wall mounted storage units to space saving bike racks, there are lots of ways that you can make your garage storage much smarter.

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