Why SEO Should be Integrated into Your Marketing Strategy

Everyone knows that SEO matters, but treating it as a separate exercise to your overall marketing strategy is a mistake. SEO should be a holistic facet of marketing strategy rather than an add-on or afterthought. In this respect, it should permeate all aspects of your digital marketing activities.

Finding the Right Customers

A good SEO strategy will help you find the right target audience and more specifically, actual potential customers. By integrating SEO into your marketing strategy you will be able to maximise the chances of reaching the right people and you may even find that you were going for the wrong people all along. How so? The algorithms used to put your business in front of people are specifically designed to help customers find what they want, not the other way round. Good SEO can even help your customers with their continued journey with your brand.

Cheaper and More Efficient

By integrating SEO into your overall marketing strategy you’ll save both time and money. For instance, you could hire a writer to create copy for your site. But after consulting an SEO strategist, you might find you have to then edit the copy accordingly. However, doing your SEO keyword research first means you can ensure all the right text is incorporated into your copy at the point of production, saving you both time and money. This principle works across the board, whether you’re creating content for social media or blogs for your site.

Get the Advantage

If you’ve integrated SEO into your marketing strategy and your competitors haven’t, this gives you a significant competitive advantage, because customers will reach you first. If you need help understanding how to integrate SEO into your marketing strategy, then reach out to marketing strategy consultants such as https://www.reallyhelpfulmarketing.co.uk/specialist-services/marketing-strategy-consultant who can help you understand how to do this.

SEO should be integral to every aspect of your digital marketing campaign. Get it right and it will do much of the hard work for you, by making sure your message gets to the people who want to hear it.

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