Preparing the ground for a greenhouse or shed.

Unfortunately, you can’t just buy a shed or greenhouse and stick it in your garden. You have to have a hard surface for the shed or greenhouse to rest upon. The hard standing is essential; otherwise, the shed will begin to rot from the base upwards. A greenhouse will start to sink down or not allow for enough heat to be generated in the greenhouse to grow certain plants.

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You’ll need to dig down about 3 to 4 feet. This requires a lot of work, and you’ll need to scrape off the top level of soil before you can begin. The best approach is to use Mini Digger Hire Nottingham based company Once the level of the soil is removed, you can pour in some decent hardcore rubble for the concrete to rest upon.

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Concrete makes a great stable base for the shed or greenhouse to rest on. This will mean that you can be assured that the base of the shed or greenhouse is solid. There will be no subsidence or slipping of the structure into the dirt. The only issue is that mixing concrete can be a bit of a pain. If you don’t have a mixer or the patience to do it manually, then getting the consistency right is tricky. You could look to use paving slabs. You can lay these on the ground directly or use cement, which is easier to mix and comes in a bag.

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