How to use pastel clothes without looking like a chocolate

Of all the life I have listened that the clothes in pastel clothes were synonymous of appearing infantile, delicate, or even silly; And personally, I love how these garments look, but I think that sometimes we have prejudices as a society that we must take away.

The point I want to get is that if you’ve always wanted to wear a piece of clothing in some pastel tone, but you have not dared because you think it looks very “flowers or chocolates” today Fashion Blog Mexico we want to share some ideas of how you can decide to wear an outfit with these colors. Keep reading: How to wear saree to look much beautiful? Step by step guideline

How to use pastel clothes

pastel clothes

The black color returns the basis of your outfit

That is, if what you want is not to lose the style that you already have super defined, we recommend opting for the basics; If you want to remove delicacy from your outfit, black will always be a good choice, the trick is very simple: the item you chose in pastel color + everything else in black.

Stitchers, chains, or tacks

Garments with this type of accessories such as studs, chains, or studs have a rough or super rocker connotation , but why not combine them with the pastel- colored garment you’ve always wanted to wear?

Besides that it will look very cool, you will let yourself be noticed by your originality and style, would you like to try it?

Find your complementary color

pastel clothes

In this council we want to let you know the chromatic circle if you have never seen it before. We can use pastel clothes in the following way:

  • Locate the color that most resembles your pastel-colored garment.
  • Draw an imaginary counter arrow in the circle, the color that this arrow points to will be the ideal combination. That is, if your garment in pastel is pink or lilac, the opposite color, according to the circle will be a green or yellow (try to find a circle that is super complete)
  • In this way the pastel tone will not look striking, but it will be the complement of your other clothes.

Are you ready to use pastel colors this spring? Do not be afraid of them! It never hurts to try new combinations and styles. If you want more fashion tips related to pastel clothes, we invite you to read the post: 

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