How to take care of bleached blonde hair?

The blond hair, whether natural or stained, needs more care and attention to keep always radiant and healthy hairs with other hues. And it is that the lighter hair is more sensitive to the aggressive action of certain products and the sun’s rays. In addition to that damage is much more visible as dryness, frizziness, lack of brightness or opacity. If you want to avoid this kind of problem in your hair and give your blonde a long life, keep reading this article about How to take care of bleached blonde hair.

How to take care of bleached blonde hair?

take care of bleached blonde hair

The shampoo is a product that is used to leave the hair completely clean and free of waste, but it also greatly influences how the hair will look after washing. As you have seen, today the broad range of shampoos is very wide and you can find very different formulas for each type of hair or depend on the finish we want to achieve. In this case, to take care of your blonde hair and keep it radiant, we advise you to take into account the following recommendations, you will get excellent results!:

  • Natural blonde hair: Soft shampoos specific for blondes containing, for example, chamomile extract, royal jelly or honey in their composition are preferable. All these ingredients are perfect for enhancing the natural blond, create new golden reflections and prevent the hair from darkening with time and derive in a light brown.
  • Dyed blond hair: Dyed blond hair needs specific shampoos for colored hairs or wicks, which have moisturizing properties, strengthen the hair and protect the color, preventing it from turning copper and extinguishing in a short time. Once a week, you can also use a matting shampoo, which in this case will be violet and will help you so that your dyed hair does not turn very yellowish or orange.

It is possible that in the same range of shampoo that you have bought, you will find a good conditioner for your hair. It is very important that you do not forget the application of this product during the washes since it is the one that provides the most nutrition and hydration to the hair fibers and prevents them from weakening and drying out excessively.

GIve extra hydration

GIve extra hydration

If your blonde is natural, you can apply only the conditioner in the middle and ends. If you are dyed, we advise you to do it in the area of the scalp to avoid damage. When you finish, you have to rinse with plenty of water and if you do it with cold water, much better since it helps to seal the cuticles and gives shine.

To provide extra hydration, it is always good to nourish the hair deeply once a week with a hair mask. The girls with natural blonde hair can opt for face masks with natural products that in addition to moisturize, enhance the tone of their hair and even help them to clarify and show off some beautiful golden highlights. For this, the following homemade recipes are very effective:

  • Chamomile and lemon: These are the two natural ingredients par excellence to have a blonde hair naturally. Mix 1 cup of chamomile infusion with the juice of 1 freshly squeezed lemon, pour the preparation into a spray bottle and apply to the hair spreading well over all the strands. If you want a faster lightening effect, apply the treatment and expose your hair to the sun for about 30 minutes.
  • Honey: Honey nourishes the hair in depth and, also, creates clear, very attractive highlights. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of olive oil, spread the mask on wet hair and let it act for 30 minutes.
  • Egg and beer: A combination that also allows for lightening natural blond hair and keeping it super bright. Mix the white of an egg with half a pint of non-alcoholic beer and pour the preparation on the wet hair. Wait about 30 minutes and then rinse and wash as usual.

Use natural products

Use natural products

If your hair is dyed blond, then the best thing is that you hydrate it with more repairing natural products that avoid the appearance of problems, such as dryness, split ends, frizz, opacity, etc. Some of the homemade masks you can try are:

  • Avocado and yogurt: Mix half of the crushed pulp of avocado with half a natural yogurt without sugar. Apply the mask on the hair and let it act between 20 and 30 minutes.
  • Banana and olive oil: Mash a banana and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Extend the root mask to the tips and let it act for about 20 minutes.
  • Coconut milk: Mix 6 tablespoons of coconut milk with 3 tablespoons of honey and apply the mask on the hair evenly. Let it act for 30 minutes and remove with plenty of cold or warm water.

Sun exposure

sun exposure

Another of the main care of blonde hair has to do with sun exposure. The radiations of the great star can damage your hair deeply if you do not protect them properly. Avoid long exposures to the sun and, when you are going to do it, do not forget to apply a protective spray with a UV filter in advance for all the strands of your hair. It is very important that you buy this product and use it frequently, as light hair is much more sensitive to the harmful effects of the sun. Likewise, covering the head with hats, scarves, and turbans is also a good option.


The current dyes is no longer very common, there is some hair dyed blond in summer tend to greenish reflections very unflattering and aesthetic. This is a problem which can mainly be due to chlorine and chemical compounds in swimming pools. To avoid it as well as protect your hair with sunscreen, we recommend that you use a bathing cap or rinse your hair in the shower immediately after leaving the Water. And if unfortunately, it has already turned a little green, then the best thing is that you go to your hairdressing center to help you solve the problem as quickly as possible.

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