How to clean beauty blender

Beauty blender addicted, have you ever wondered how to deeply clean your miraculous sponger? the moment we want to talk to you about that nice egg-shaped sponger that numerous girls use to apply foundation, robe, and make-up in general. The beauty blender can be used both to apply greasepaint makeup and to apply liquid makeup, and allows you to achieve truly exceptional results!

It’s no coexistence that numerous women and girls are in love with their beauty blender, and would not mistake it for any other make-up accessory in the world! Are you also part of this group of people? If so, in this composition we want to tell you about a veritably important step concerning our” egg-sponger”.

How do you sanitize this particular accessory? Do you wash it under running water? Do you only wash it when you realize that its original color is now a vague memory? Or perhaps you prefer to sanitize it regularly to avoid vexation and other skin rashes?

With all due respect for the laziest bones, you should know that the beauty blender should be washed with some chronicity. The flashback is that this accessory is put in contact with our skin every day( and occasionally indeed several times a day), so it should be gutted after each operation.

But do you want to know what are the strangest but most effective styles for indefectible cleaning?

How to clean the beauty blender with the non-slip pad

Do you know those silicone accessories with embossed designs that you can find in beauty shops? Well, these are small-slip” mats” generally used for drawing skirmishes. These abettors, still, will also be fine for our sponger. Just wet down the beauty blender with water, add some mild cleaner( baby soap will be fine), and irk on the small crowds of the” mat” in order to remove all makeup remainders. A regularly sanitized sponger will take veritably little time for this operation. After washing and twisting the blender well, leave it to dry in the open air.

How to clean the beauty blender in the microwave oven

Have you ever heard of the microwave oven system? numerous girls prefer it because thanks to this fashion they’re suitable to exclude all origins and bacteria. To clean the blender, you’ll need to fill a coliseum with water and mild hand cleaner. also, dip the sponger well and let it soak. At this point, you can put everything in the microwave oven and operate it for a nanosecond, after which the blender should eventually be clean. Squeeze, wash one last time, and leave to air dry. However, repeat the operation for another nanosecond. Until you have attained the asked result, If the sponger still has traces of foundation and makeup.

The mini washing machine for the beauty blender

And eventually, we discover a veritably tender, strange, and( you will not believe it) veritably useful accessory! We’re talking about the mini washing machine for the beauty blender, an accessory that you can find in numerous online shops. Inside this small washing machine, you can wash one sponger at a time. Open the washing machine door, pour adulatory water, immerse the blender and press the “ on ” button. At this point, let the washing machine do the mini phenomenon! The result will be enough satisfying, and also let’s face it, who could repel an atomic washing machine for our beauty accessories?

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