Getting the Best Out of Your Hair as Christmas Approaches

Hair is something that can be a big part of how we look and feel about ourselves. During the winter, the weather can have a damaging effect on hair, as the wind and rain cause damage to it. Indoors is no better, as central heating takes the moisture out of the air which can then leave hair feeling even more dry and tangled.

At Christmas, we want to look and feel our best – with Christmas parties to go to, it is worth spending time taking care of our hair, and there are lots of things that you can do to have your hair looking great for the festive season.

If your hair is a bit nondescript and isn’t exactly filling you with joy, your hairdresser should be your first port of call. If it has been a while since you have visited a hairdresser, do some research on local hairdressers and ask around for recommendations based on the sort of look that you want. Have a look through hair inspiration pictures online so that you can get a good idea of the sort of thing that you are after, and then you can have a discussion with the hairdresser on the styles and colours that work better for you.

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Keeping your hair healthy between visits to the hairdresser is also important, especially at this time of the year. Once a week, do a hair treatment where you can nourish and moisturise the hair – the hairdresser should be able to recommend a good one for your hair type. You can also get vitamins that benefit the hair, so you might also want to try these in the winter months.

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For men, hair is also an important part of your look and your overall style. If you are someone who has suffered from baldness therefore this can leave you feeling a bit under confident. Fortunately, there is something that you can do about this. Scalp micropigmentation like this is a great way to get your hair and your confidence back ready for the party season without c=going down the hair transplant route!

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