5 Tips For Dressing Well

Some women have a class and a born style, and it seems that anything they wear, from a plain cotton t-shirt to a designer dress, looks good on them.

What you do not know is that they have 5 tips to dress well that today we are going to teach.

Know yourself

It is important to know yourself before you start choosing clothes: knowing what type of body you have, skin color, hair and eyes, what colors fit you, what brands you like, what style you would like to wear.

All this is very important to be well dressed, regardless of all your personal characteristics.

Tips For Dressing Well
image source: google

Getting Acquainted

There are a thousand ways to accessorize: shoes, handbags, handkerchiefs, jewelry, hair clips, pins, small details on clothes. It serves above all to update classic pieces and turn them into something modern with little effort and money.

Neither should we overdo the accessories: with two or three is enough, remember the slogan of fashion: less is more.

Be Creative

Fashion is intimately linked with creativity, so it is important to be very creative and try new combinations to have a greater variety of styles with the same amount of clothing. We can look for inspirations on the Internet – blogs, Pinterest – and we can also take some time to see the different combinations of our clothes and consider which ones are better.

There are even fashion applications and websites where you can organize your clothes and create possible combinations between the clothes.

Have basics in your closet

There are some clothes that do not go out of style, they serve for any occasion and they take us out of more of a hurry. The basics may vary slightly, but overall jeans, jacket suits, white shirts, black high heels or Little Black Dress are some of the most named.

Remember that it is convenient to buy basic good quality, so that they last through the years, while fashionable and fleeting clothes – for example, things with tracks or fluorine colors – may be cheaper.

Knowing how to buy

We should avoid buying things because we like them or because they are cheap, and start buying with our heads. So, know very well what we have in the closet and what we need. Before going to buy, we must have a list of the things that we need, so that we buy conscientiously and we can take advantage of that expense of money.

With these 5 tips to dress well, you can be divine for any occasion, and you will become of those elegant women who seem to fit everything.

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