Basic Tips to Dress Up Properly Each Season

Dress properly carry your prestige and behavior. It’s too much important while you are attending a party or official meeting. People noticed your dress code everywhere. We are going to discuss some special thoughts about dress up properly

Tips For Dress Up Properly

Dress Up
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1-The footwear is basic

Why are few men still giving you the value you really have with your footwear? Recall the claim that we can “judge or know a man by his shoes.”

If you’ve never had very good shoes before, the time has come. It is essential that you have comfortable and sporty shoes, but the key to your suit is always a good tie to match, and of course, some good dress shoes that you can take advantage of for years.

2-You must dress according to your age

The shirts or shirts with jeans are basic for men of all types, but as you get older it is basic to know what there are things that are best left in the closet. If you already have more than 40, leave aside the shirts and if you want to be able to say that you dress well, start wearing shirts (some basic like white or navy blue), and other types of pants, whether Chinese, or Even dress pants, and it will not hurt to wear shoes more often.

3-Ignore the fashion trends

Be careful that I do not want you to misinterpret this point. I do not say that you do not have to be attentive to things like for example that tones are worn every season or if it is better to wear a “look” more or less notched, but do not insist on always carrying the last thinking that you were better and more if You are young We cannot always spend all the money we want on clothes, so it’s better to bet on insurance than end up buying, for example, jeans with broken all over, when we know that next year maybe not be taken.

4-Take care of clothes

This is basic to know how to dress well. You should not wear clothes that look very worn, but that does not mean that you should pull it from season to season. If you take good care of your clothes, if you wash clothes, irons and guards properly, it will last you years and you can boast of always impeccable.

5-You must have at least one good suit in your closet

And one that is a basic color, whether gray, black or navy blue (or all three). A tailored suit that you can take advantage of for great occasions. I’m not referring to any costume. You should invest your money as if you were going to buy any other “investment” in the future. You may be going to put it on a few occasions, but if you take care of it and you maintain it regularly in your weight, you can always say that you hit when the occasion requires it.

6-Jeans. They are basic

Whenever you have a good pair of jeans, it will pass you like the suit; That you will be right. Try to have some blues and other blacks, that fit well and that you usually wear, either with a shirt or sweater or a blazer.

7-Cotton Trousers

Cotton pants, Chinese type or more dress, are basic for those occasions where you want to look better than jeans. It is best to buy a pair of shades such as navy blue or cream color, and you will see how the possibilities with them are endless.

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