Star tattoos have a symbolism closely linked to spirituality. They are very magical elements even related to good fortune and good luck. Who has not made a wish when seeing a shooting star pass? And it is that the stars are an element that serves and has served as a guide in many civilizations. It is a guide and protection to guide us in life and in the different paths that we take.

Tattoo school: tattoos with stars, meaning, and inspiration

The stars are always present at night. If we live in a city we may be able to see it fully, but the lucky ones who have clear skies on the mountain can. They are nocturnal elements that give us light in the dark. They help us fight all that darkness and fear of the night.

Stars can have 5, 6, or even 9 points. 5-pointed stars are the most popular. The 5-pointed stars were already used by the Celts to represent fantasy and mystery stories. They symbolized the four elements of nature and their union. Earth, water, air, and fire united in a perfect natural balance. While the 7-pointed stars are related to the seven Chakras. A very powerful cabalistic number.

The representation that people have given to the stars comes from what we see when we look at them. Although it is true that the shape that humanity has been giving it is not appreciated, we can see flashing points that seem to form points. And it is that the light when it is scattered tends to reflect these pointed ends.

Star of David tattoos

The Star of David is different from other stars. It is not directly related to the sky and the firmament but is more related to religion and spirituality. This star is made up of 6 points and three interlocking triangles. Although it is mainly related to the Jewish religion, it is also present in Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism.

This star symbolizes the union of heaven and Earth. The union of the earthly with the immaterial. It is a protective symbol. Its name derives from King David, who according to the sacred scriptures was the first God on Earth. This king was said to be a very brave warrior, capable even of defeating fearsome giants like Goliath. Wearing this star in a Tattoo represents a lot of strength and energy. And it is that according to legend David himself had this beautiful star on his shield.

Star tattoos style guide

One of the aspects that makes these tattoos so popular is their ease of combining them with others. Stars always look good around other designs. There are countless styles and types of stars. The stars allow us to play a lot, drawing them in a larger or smaller size depending on the area in which we are going to make the tattoo. A Meteor Shower, for example, can be designed in different sizes to suit the area.

The best tattoos of stars in different parts of the body

The pelvis, wrists, back, neck … any area is ideal to show off some magical stars. Star tattoos on the hands or on the wrist are one of the latest trends. They have a minimalist touch that is very fashionable. They provide a differentiating point and are an excellent option and a good area to start in the world of Tattoos. Here are some examples of Star Tattoos. If you want more inspiration, remember that at CamaleĆ³n Tattoo we have many designs that you will love.

Another very popular area, especially among women, is the neck or shoulders. In this area, it is very common to make several stars in a row of a smaller size. It is an ideal area for all those who frequently wear tank tops or tank tops. So they can be seen in all their splendor. Another of the most popular areas is the feet. Any tattoo on the feet greatly enhances the beauty of this part of our body.

Tattoos with tribal stars for men

The tribal tattoos are a perfect geometry which, together with the geometry of the stars, you can draw a perfect and very elegant figure. The Tattoos tribal stars represent an alternative and original design. Normally these designs are chosen by the male sex, who include the stars in their tribals. Below you can see several designs that include tribal motifs mixed with stars.

Star tattoos with flowers

If you like flowers and also stars, these Tattoos are ideal for you. From a certain star, we can draw floral motifs inside to represent more emphasis or emphasize the passion felt towards those certain flowers. A star tattoo with a lotus flower will represent purity and hope in addition to highlighting the importance that this flower has for the bearer of that tattoo. Remember that the stars represent that light that guides you on the way, so mixing it with the flowers will give it a more special symbolism. Here are some models of tattoos with stars and flowers to inspire you.

Star tattoos with fire

The fire represents strength and change. Fire is synonymous with rebirth because it destroys everything in its path. Fire is also one of the four classic natural elements that are also very present in oriental culture. A Tattoo that includes a star surrounded by fire will represent a new triumph and a new opportunity. Here are some designs that include these two elements so that you can choose the one that best suits your tastes.

Star tattoos with fantasy elements: fairies and butterfliesstar tattoos

Fairies and butterflies are also very present in tattoos. On the one hand, we can find asymmetric designs in which a starry half and a butterfly half are shown, a design that represents two natural elements that are symmetrical but that together form a shape that loses that symmetry. They blend seamlessly to represent hope, but also femininity and youth. On the other hand, fairies are tiny beings born of fantasy and popular literature. In the Tattoos with stars and fairies, we can see that fantasy represented, a desire to fly and a reflection of freedom. Take a look at these designs for inspiration.

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