10 Stylish People’s Habits

It is simple. We always say it is that “so-and-so” everything looks good. A combination that you would never do and in that person usually stays as the latest trend of fashion. But behind its style, there may not be just luck or much less silver involved.

We give you ten habits of people with a lot of styles:

  1. Choose a key piece

Pick a garment or accessory that catches your attention and build your outfit around it. In this way, it will not look like a competition between your pieces, but they will all fit harmoniously into your look.

10 Stylish tips
Image source: google
  • Dress up your outfits in advance

So that you do not run in the morning thinking what to wear, you better plan your outfit from the night before. It will help you look much more polished. Apps like Cloth or Stylebook will help you keep track of your outfits and create new combinations with what you already have.

  • Invest in essential items

Garments like a raincoat or a good blazer will always look chic; you can combine them with many more pieces and never go out of style.

  • Do not be afraid to break rules

A person with style knows the rules of fashion, to break them and to appropriate them. He knows that there are no points or combinations forbidden when used with creativity and personality.

10 Stylish tips
Image source: google
  • Know Your Body

A stylish person knows what fits best according to his body type and how to highlight his best features. He knows the size he should wear and often takes his clothes to arrange the dressmaker to have the exact measure.

  • Understand the importance of underwear

The undergarments can save or completely damage your look. If you choose those that do not favor your body type you can highlight features that you do not want.

  • They adapt to the situation

Stylish people know the dress code of the place where they are going and what is the best way to dress according to the occasion.

  • Do not imitate anyone

We all have people whom we admire for their style. But one thing is to take inspiration, and another is to copy looks. The true style is in having referents but giving them your seal.

  • Do not Bias

The style is not about designers or brands. A stylish person can mix items of different prices and places to achieve an eclectic and harmonious look.

  • Have fun

The style is too fun with fashion and dress according to your rules, rather than be the slave to trends.  Dare to play with your clothes and express yourself with them.

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