How to Do Your Makeup in 5 Minutes

By now, daily life has truly become a continuous race. Women must extricate themselves from a thousand commitments: work, home and children with all the outbuildings and connections they entail. However, physical appearance always plays a role of great importance. In all these cases, a trick of make-up is necessary to complete a tidy appearance. But time is short and some small strategies must be adopted to get the best in a short time. No drama or stress: here is how to do your makeup in 5 minutes.

How to do your makeup in 5 minutes?

In the first place because it makes you feel good about yourself, but often because of the good appearance in the context in which you carry out your activities. And yet, before leaving home, you just have time for a quick shower, wearing appropriate clothes and putting your hair in place with a nice splash of perfume. And the makeup? Sometimes it is necessary: ​​an important meeting in the office, a sudden invitation, a reception for the school progress of the children and so on.

  • Micellar water
  • Moisturizing cream
  • Suitable base coat
  • Eyeliner
  • Eye pencil
  • Eye shadows of various colors
  • Mascara
  • Eyebrow brush
  • Cheek blusher
  • Lipstick or lip gloss

The base

Flawless makeup starts with a good foundation. On the face, already cleaned with micellar water and hydrated with a suitable cream, the tinted primer must be applied. The choice of the one that best suits your needs must be compatible with your skin type. For oily skin, you need a powder foundation, while a softer one in case of dry skin. The color should be selected according to the shade of your skin. To achieve your perfect makeup in just 5 minutes, start by spreading a small amount on the forehead, nose, chin and just below your eyes. Then, with light touches, blend it outwards until a uniform and natural application is obtained.

The look

The eyes illuminate the face and it is therefore of fundamental importance to focus on the look to create perfect makeup. Even in just 5 minutes, with a bit of eyeliner after applying the eyeshadow, you can create a more decisive makeup. For a more delicate effect, just start with a pencil stroke to blend before the eyeshadow. Abundant with mascara: on the market, there are several types of excellent quality that offer amazing results with a few strokes of the applicator. Thus making your lashes thick and long and your eyes captivating. For the shade of the eyeshadow, choose a color suitable for your skin and the clothes you are going to wear. Don’t forget to blend it up and out of the eyelids.

The face

You are almost ready to make your perfect makeup in just 5 minutes. Define the make-up by blending a good blush on the cheeks, always with the appropriate color according to your type of complexion. The same goes for the lips: a lipstick decided to bring out your complexion. Or a soft and shiny gloss to illuminate and color them delicately. A touch of a brush on your eyebrows and that’s it. With your make-up created in just 5 minutes, you can meet your commitments perfectly.

All you need is a good mascara application to achieve flawless make-up in no time.

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