An introduction to drain mapping

Drains are essential parts of our houses and office buildings. Their purpose is to bring in fresh, clean water for drinking while safely removing wastewater; however, many of us without plumbing skills couldn’t identify where our drains are located. This is why drain mapping can be a highly useful diagnostic tool, so let’s look at it in more detail.

What is drain mapping?

Drain mapping is a way of surveying your home’s drains, identifying measurables such as how deep they are, where the water flows, and where the connection points are. A comprehensive map of your drain system can then be drawn up. This information can be useful for multiple purposes; for example, if you are planning an extension, knowing the drains’ whereabouts can help your builders to plan works carefully to make best use of the drains that are already there and plan structural works.

Likewise, a comprehensive drain map can be a big bonus to offer to any potential buyers when it comes to selling your home. They will know the location and state of the drains in and around the house, which may be enough to encourage a sale.

Indeed, for commercial premises, drain mapping is a great idea; in fact, it is sometimes compulsory for site managers. It can help you to identify all the drains that make up your commercial pre__mises’ system and will be worth its weight in gold in the case of any floods or leaks, leading to faster diagnosis and repair.

How is drain mapping carried out?

A CCTV drain survey Northampton or another location carried out by a specialist such as is the least invasive way of drain mapping. State-of-the-art CCTV drain technology enables experts to create a detailed picture of the layout of the drains and can even include imagery if required.

Drain mapping is not only useful as a preventative measure but also useful as a cure. If you suspect a blockage in one of your pipes, drain mapping can locate the blockage quickly and easily, leading to a fast resolution.

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