Natural Home Remedies for Itchy Scalp

The itchy head can appear for various causes and is usually accompanied by dehydration, irritation and peeling of the scalp; that is why knowing the reasons that make the itching come out is essential to be able to treat it correctly. In the following article, we will tell you how to relieve the itching of the head depending on its cause. In addition, we will give you some home remedies for itchy scalp made with simple and natural ingredients to relieve symptoms.

Home remedies for itchy scalp

Although it is associated with dandruff, the itching can come for different reasons. Before treating a burning or itching problem on the scalp, it is advisable to determine its cause in order to apply the most effective remedy to eliminate itching. These are some of the most common causes:

  • Existence of any eczema
  • Itching or irritation caused by periods of stress
  • Allergic reaction to a cosmetic product
  • Dehydration of the scalp
  • Dandruff
  • Seborrhea
  • Poorly clarified hair during washing

Egg yolk for hair

If the itching of the head is due to dryness or dehydration of the scalp, the most recommended natural remedy to rehydrate and nourish the area is egg yolk.

Egg yolk for hair

The irritated scalp can present symptoms like itchy head and pimples in localized areas. The egg can calm and prevent itching in the area since it is a food rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. If you want to feel relief and stop scratching, you can mix a little of your usual shampoo with an egg yolk and wash your hair with this mixture. If you want to use this remedy as to a mask, you should do it as follows:

  1. Beat one or two yolks (depending on the amount or length of your hair) and reserve them in a small bowl.
  2. Wash your hair with the usual shampoo.
  3. Drain the hair to remove moisture and apply the mixture with the yolks to the scalp.
  4. Leave to act for about 10-15 minutes.
  5. Rinse with plenty of warm water.

Tea tree oil and coconut oil mask

If you have a skin infection or your itchy head is caused by eczema, these two ingredients can help you. These two oils have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties capable of eliminating fungi and bacteria caused by skin problems. You should be aware that if you have a wound from scratching yourself too much, tea tree oil can cause irritation in that area.

This is what you will need to make this mask:

  • 7 drops of tea tree oil
  • 45 ml coconut oil (3 tablespoons)

The ideal is to apply this mask at night and leave it to act while you sleep; If you prefer, you can apply it in the morning and leave it to act all day. The preparation of the mask is made as follows:

  1. Mix the tea tree essential oil in a bowl with the 3 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  2. Spread the mixture over the scalp.
  3. Cover yourself with a shower cap and leave it on overnight.
  4. The next day, wash your hair as you normally would.

Calendula infusion for hair

This medicinal plant, in addition to calming the itch, is one of the most effective remedies to control itching from stress. Calendula has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties, as well as a great capacity to maintain hydration of the skin, even the most sensitive ones.

Calendula infusion for hair

Calendula infusion is applied as a conditioner without rinsing as follows:

  • Prepare the calendula infusion.
  • Wash your hair as you usually do and rinse it.
  • Drain the hair to remove excess moisture and apply the infusion liquid throughout the hair.
  • Comb to detangle and extend the product.
  • Do not rinse, you must let the product dry.

Lemon for dandruff

One of the most frequent causes of head itching is dandruff, a Dandruff a peeling of the superficial layer of the scalp caused by an excess of dead cells.

Lemon, due to its contribution of vitamin C and its antifungal properties, helps fight dandruff by regulating sebum production and preventing the appearance of fungi and bacteria. This is how you should apply it to combat dandruff itching:

  • Squeeze the juice from one or two lemons (depending on the length or amount of hair).
  • Moisten the hair and apply the lemon juice all over the hair.
  • Massage your fingertips with your fingertips for a few minutes.
  • Comb the hair to make sure the product reaches all areas.
  • Leave an exposure time of 5 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with your usual shampoo and warm or cold water.

Peppermint essential oil for hair

Peppermint oil is the best ally when itching is caused by excess oil on the scalp. Seborrhea can cause, in addition to itching, peeling, inflammation and even hair loss due to clogging of the pores by sebum.

Peppermint essential oil for hair

If you want to calm the itch, regulate the production of sebum and activate the circulation of your scalp, you have to do the following mixture:

  • Pour 100 ml of your usual shampoo into a measuring glass.
  • Put five drops of peppermint essential oil.
  • Shake vigorously to integrate both products.
  • Wash your head with this shampoo and you will notice the freshness and relief from the first wash.

It is recommended to follow these instructions since if you add more peppermint oil than we indicated, you can get the opposite effect and irritate the scalp more by the effect of peppermint.

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