How to Make a Long Dress Shorter Temporarily

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to shorten a long dress temporarily? Whether it’s for a special event or simply to change up your look, there are several methods you can use to achieve a shorter hemline without making any permanent alterations. In this blog post, we will explore various no-sew and sewing methods that are quick, easy, and won’t damage your dress. So, let’s dive in and learn how to make a long dress shorter temporarily!

temporarily shorten a long dress


The first and easiest method to temporarily shorten a long dress is by using a belt. This method works best for dresses with flowing skirts and defined waistlines. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Put on the dress and determine your desired length.
  2. Choose a belt that complements your dress.
  3. Cinch the belt around your waist, gathering the excess fabric and lifting the hemline to your desired length.
  4. Adjust the belt until you achieve the desired look.

Adding a belt to your outfit can serve a dual purpose – not only does it allow you to adjust the length of your dress or top to your liking, but it can also give your look a fashionable edge. This technique is particularly useful for events with a more laid-back dress code or when you want to try out different styles without making permanent changes to your clothing. So, next time you’re putting together an outfit, don’t forget to consider the transformative power of a well-placed belt!


If you’re looking for a quick and casual way to shorten your long dress, tying a knot in the excess fabric can create a ruffled effect and add some flair to your outfit. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Put on the dress and determine the amount of fabric you want to shorten.
  2. Gather the excess fabric at the back of the dress.
  3. Tie a knot tightly, making sure to leave some fabric hanging for the ruffled effect.
  4. Adjust the knot until you achieve the desired length.

If you’re looking to add some fun and playfulness to your style, try tying up your casual dresses or maxi dresses. This method works particularly well with lightweight fabrics that won’t cause any discomfort when tied. By tying up your dress, you can create a unique and stylish look that’s perfect for a day out with friends or a casual date. However, it’s important to keep in mind that this style works best with dresses that have a flowy and loose fit, as tighter dresses may not tie as easily and may cause discomfort. So, choose your dress wisely and have fun experimenting with this playful look!

Make a Long Dress Shorter Temporarily

Safety Pins

If you need a more secure hold or have a tighter-fitting dress that needs temporary alteration, safety pins can come to your rescue. Here’s how you can use safety pins to shorten a long dress:

  1. Put on the dress and determine the amount of fabric you want to shorten.
  2. Gather the excess fabric at the back or sides of the dress.
  3. Use safety pins to pin the excess fabric in place, creating a makeshift tuck.
  4. Adjust the pins until you achieve the desired length.

When it comes to temporary alterations, safety pins are a reliable and secure option. Unlike tying knots or using belts, they offer a more stable hold, making them ideal for situations where you need to keep things in place. That being said, it’s important to exercise caution when using safety pins, especially if you’re dealing with delicate fabrics that are susceptible to tearing. While they can be a great tool, it’s important to use them properly to avoid damaging your clothes.

Hair Tie

Another quick and easy method to temporarily shorten a long dress is by using a hair tie. This method works well for light, flowing fabrics and provides a gathered effect. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Put on the dress and determine your desired length.
  2. Thread a hair tie through the hemline of the dress.
  3. Pull the hair tie tight, gathering the fabric and lifting the hemline.
  4. Adjust the hair tie until you achieve the desired look.

Using a hair tie is an excellent option when you don’t have any accessories like belts or safety pins available. It’s quick, easy, and provides an effortless way to make your long dress shorter temporarily.

Temporary Stitches

If you’re comfortable with basic sewing techniques, using temporary stitches is a great option for temporarily shortening a long dress without causing any damage. Here’s how you can use this method:

  1. Put on the dress and determine the desired length.
  2. Using a needle and thread that matches your dress color, hand-sew a temporary line of stitches just above the desired hemline.
  3. Make sure your stitches are evenly spaced and secure enough to hold the fabric in place.
  4. When you no longer need the temporary alteration, simply remove the stitches by carefully cutting them with scissors.

Temporary stitches allow you to adjust the length of your dress without damaging the fabric permanently. This method works well for both lightweight and heavier fabrics, giving you more control over how much you want to shorten your dress.

Temporary Stitches

Hem Tape

If sewing isn’t your forte or you’re working with delicate fabrics that require extra care, hem tape can be an excellent alternative for temporarily shortening your long dress. Here’s how you can use hem tape:

  1. Put on the dress and determine your desired length.
  2. Cut a piece of iron-on or sew-in hem tape according to the length you want to shorten.
  3. Following the instructions provided with the hem tape, either iron it onto your dress or sew it in place.
  4. When you no longer need the temporary alteration, gently remove the hem tape without leaving any residue.

Hem tape provides a more polished look compared to other no-sew methods and is ideal for dresses with delicate fabrics like silk or chiffon. It offers a secure hold while ensuring that no damage occurs to your dress.

Additional Tips

  • Consider the weight and thickness of the fabric when choosing a method. Heavier fabrics may require a more secure method like sewing, while lighter fabrics can be easily adjusted with no-sew techniques.
  • If you’re unsure of how much to shorten the dress, start by making a small adjustment and try it on before making any permanent changes.
  • Be careful not to damage the fabric with pins or needles when using safety pins or temporary stitches. Take your time and work carefully to avoid any accidental tears or holes.


Q1: Can I use these methods on any type of dress?

Yes, these methods can be used on most types of dresses, including casual dresses, maxi dresses, formal gowns, and more.

Q2: Will these methods damage my dress?

When done correctly, these methods should not cause any permanent damage to your dress. However, it’s essential to be cautious and work carefully to avoid any accidental tears or holes.

Q3: How long will these temporary alterations last?

The duration of temporary alterations will depend on various factors such as the method used, fabric type, and how often you wear and move in the dress. It’s always advisable to check and readjust as needed.

Q4: Can I wash my dress with these temporary alterations in place?

Yes, most of these methods are washable; however, it’s recommended to remove any pins or attachments before washing.

Q5: How do I remove the temporary alterations?

To remove temporary alterations like knots or belts, simply untie or unfasten them. For methods like safety pins, hair ties, temporary stitches, or hem tape, carefully remove them without damaging the fabric.


Now that you know several quick and easy methods for temporarily shortening a long dress, you can confidently experiment with different looks without making any permanent alterations. Unlock your cycling shorts’ style potential with our Ultimate Guide to Styling Cycling Shorts; whether it’s using belts, knots, safety pins, hair ties, or sewing techniques like temporary stitches or hem tape, there’s an option for every type of dress and occasion. Just remember to consider the fabric type, adjust carefully, and enjoy your transformed outfit!

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