The safe handling of medication could mean the difference between life and death!

If patient records are not written legibly, or filed and stored safely it could lead to a doctor or nurse administering the wrong medication and a poorly patient could potentially die!  This is the main reason why it is of the utmost importance that confidential medical records and files are legible, filed securely and only easily accessed by the medical team who need them when tending to a patient. If medical records are lost, stolen or misappropriated it could lead to chaos and have possibly devastating results.  A patient could end up in Intensive Care or even die if given the wrong medication or even just the wrong dose!

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Receiving in-depth and thorough training by a professional company such as who specialise in providing a bespoke Medication administration course for individuals and groups who want to learn new administrative skills and improve on existing ones is crucial. Then the candidates realise or remember the importance of this front-line role and understand again the significance of keeping calm and getting things right the first time.

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These practical training courses will improve a candidates confidence, their communication, leadership and organisational skills, bring up-date their computer literacy, and give them a better understanding and appreciation of other people working around them.  The training will also remind them of the importance of working to strict guidelines and time schedules as well as renewing their commitment to delivering quality healthcare.

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